The world's top inventors

The world's top inventors

There are many great and important inventors in the world who have introduced important and valuable inventions to our world that have made life easier and better for many people around the world.

These inventors are actually a list of some of the most important and influential inventors in the world, whose descriptions, inventions, and biographies have been collected below.

1.Thales of Miletus


The top spot goes to Thales of Miletus, who lived in the 6th century BC. He was the father of Western philosophy and one of the first people to explain natural phenomena without referring to myths, making him technically the world's first scientist. He even invented mathematics.

Thales is known for discovering five geometric theorems. The circle is cut in half by its diameter. The opposite angles of a triangle are equal to two sides of equal length. Opposite angles formed by the intersection of straight lines are equal. that the angle written inside the semicircle is a right angle, and if a triangle is determined, its base and its two angles are given at the base. His mathematical achievements are difficult to assess, owing to the old practice of crediting particular discoveries to men with a general reputation for wisdom.


2.Leonardo da Vinci


Leonardo da Vinci was a Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, inventor and engineer. He had a very creative mind and high intelligence, studying scientific laws and nature, which he collected a lot of information related to his work. His paintings and other works have greatly influenced artists and engineers throughout the centuries.

Leonardo was an all-round genius. Not content with being a Renaissance artist and a visionary scientist, he also stands out as one of history's most brilliant engineers. Long before they were technically possible, he invented the helicopter and the battle tank. He came up with designs for mechanical looms and hydraulic saws. He drew plans for submarines and robots. The list of his contributions to the world of engineering is almost endless.

3.Thomas Edison


Some consider Thomas Edison one of the greatest inventors in history

For the people of the 19th century, Thomas Alva Edison was a magician. His "inventions" epitomized the famous words of Arthur C. Clarke, who said: "Technologies that are sufficiently advanced cannot be distinguished from magic." In fact, the invention of the gramophone in 1877 made him known as the "Wizard of Menlo Park".

Edison was an archetypal inventor and epitomizes the spirit of American research and entrepreneurship. A shrewd businessman with an unbridled imagination, thousands of inventions including the gramophone, the electric light bulb, the telephone (although Alexander Graham Bell went to the patent office first for that position), the video camera, the microphone, and alkaline batteries. 




Archimedes was one of the famous and outstanding Greek elders and with his extraordinary intelligence, he was able to leave behind many inventions in the field of mathematics. Archimedes, one of the greatest scientists in history, invented so much in mathematics and mechanics that he can undoubtedly be considered on the same level as the great scientists in the history of mathematics such as Newton, Galileo, Pythagoras, etc.

Archimedes was undoubtedly one of the great names in engineering in the third century BC. Although few details of his life are known, he is recognized as one of the leading scientists of antiquity. Archimedes invented the pulley, lever, catapult and gear.



5. Benjamin Franklin

As a founding father, Benjamin Franklin was one of the people who invented America! But the man now hailed as America’s first scientist was also a printer, an activist, a statesman and a diplomat—and above all a respected inventor and engineer. His legacy includes the lightning conductor, bifocal lenses, and, according to some, the first experiments in nanoscience.

  • He compiled a list of thirteen useful methods in the field of moral education, which he adhered to throughout his life, as follows:
  • Self-restraint: Don't fill your stomach to the limit of stupidity and don't drink to the limit of selfishness.
  • Silence: Say something that you or others will benefit from; Avoid useless words.
  • Discipline: Put everything in its place and stop everything on time.
  • Determination and determination: what needs to be done, do it with determination, and what you want to do, do it without interruption.
  • Contentment: avoid spending for the pleasure of others or your own satisfaction and do not waste anything.
  • Endeavor: Don't waste time, spend every moment doing something useful, avoid false things.
  • Truth and honesty: avoid deception, decorate your thoughts with infallibility and truth, and stick to your word.
  • Justice: Do not be satisfied with the loss of others, lest you tolerate those who are yours and deprive them of the good that you are obliged to do.
  • Moderation: avoid extremism; Insulting others unjustly, which you think you do not deserve, is permissible.
  • Cleanliness: remove impurity from your body and clothes and your house.
  • Peace of mind: keep calm and avoid criticism and ignore normal and unavoidable events.
  • Chastity: observe moderation in satisfying sexual desire; Get close only for the sake of health and the survival of the generation and not to the point of insanity and laziness. In this way, avoid hurting your feelings and the health of others and be concerned about your reputation.
  • Humility: imitate your great predecessors, such as Jesus Christ and Socrates.

6.Louis Pasteur and Alexander Fleming

These two men both made discoveries that still save millions of lives. French Louis Pasteur was the first microbiologist. He invented the principles of vaccination and pasteurization, which turned out to be very important to human health. Across the English Channel, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin a few decades later, so he was the one who made antibiotics possible. They go together because they were both pioneers of modern medicine and the first scientists to declare all-out war on viruses and bacteria!


7.the Montgolfier brothers and Clément Ader


 We all know about Pegasus and Icarus in ancient Greece. But in modern times the history of flight is written by three Frenchmen - the Mongolfier brothers with their hot air balloon, and Clément Ader, who invented the airplane. The first balloon that was built was built in 1783 by the Montgolfier brothers, with which a sheep, a duck and a rooster flew.

Ader's plane was the first piloted plane to take off under its own steam (literally) and make a short uncontrollable jump over a field near Paris.


8. Nikola Tesla

Before entering the 20th century, electricity remained a pure scientific curiosity and many still doubted its effectiveness, but on July 10, 1856, a person named "Nikola Tesla" was born in Smiljan, Austria, and more than any other person changed this path. In fact, Tesla's pioneering research in the field of electricity was only part of the scientific innovations and inventions that made him famous as a "Goddess of Science" in the world. But Nikola Tesla was arguably the greatest geek who ever lived. He was always fixing things that couldn't be broken, and in the process came up with amazing inventions. We have him to thank for alternating current, the modern electric motor, remote control boats and, rumor has it, radar technology and wireless communications. He did not earn much credit for it during his lifetime and died alone in poverty.


9. Auguste and Louis Lumière

In the first public film screening in its present form on December 28, 1895, the Lumière brothers screened 10 short films, including the first film, at the Grand Cafe in Paris. The duration of each video was about 50 seconds.

With the first official show, the Lumiere brothers introduced cinema as an independent mass media and as a new language and show.

There are a few short films left from them, which include not only the world's first cinematographic films, but also the world's first documentary and comedy films. At first, they looked at their invention with some kind of mistake, but they attracted all the people of the world and did not leave them in the wider view, the visual arts and visual media did not dominate the points of the world.

The Lumiere brothers - another French pioneer - invented cinema. Seriously! They patented the invention of the cinematograph, and their first film, released in 1895, is considered the first real film in history.


10. Tim Berners-Lee


Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee, known as Sir Tim Berners-Lee or TimBL, is an English computer scientist and engineer, who owes his major fame to his revolutionary invention of the World Wide Web.Sir Timothy Berners-Lee is known as the man who invented the Internet, the greatest development of the late 20th century. But it's a little more complicated than that. The Internet began life in the Pentagon as a distributed computer network to resist nuclear attack. That system was known as ARPANET and dates back to 1969. Sir Tim embraced the idea and added the concept of hypertext as a way for researchers at CERN, where he worked, to share resources more effectively. He and his team continued to develop HTML, web servers, and browsers, making the World Wide Web a reality in 1989 and opening it to the public in 1991.